Rise of The Police State- Intimidation and Threat
Alex Jones Info Wars: “ (quotation from the video which I sourced at the above site reveals the secret government plans for the rise of the police state which is ultimately designed to place the masses into fear driven subjugation and intimidation- and ultimately total and complete control with the losses of all humanitarian rights and priviliges all removed by the state-MARTIAL LAW AND THE ENSLAVEMENT OF A NATION.
"In the early years of the 21st century terrorism was used by governments across the world as a pretext to scare their populations into submission. Life became a surveillance grid nightmare with every individuals actions ruthlessly catalogued and recorded by the state. Secret arrests check points and warrantless searches spread, the final incremental march of the police state culminating in open martial law. This is the story of how the elite sold their people into slavery and scared the ones who would stand and brave people of the west into submitting into being cannon fodder in wars for world domination."
I have first hand experience as testimony to the above and recount 2 quotations taken as excerpt from my personal plight and ordeal:
Parkdale Legal Clinic Member, Ian Hu, at 416-531-2411 ext. 254 : “ The US marshals have been known to come across the border illegally to kidnap people. For this reason we at the Parkdale Legal Clinic recommend a conciliatory approach.”
An attorney with whom I spoke on my tapped phone line who’s name I will keep anonymous out of consideration. “ I am familiar with Judge David Doty- let’s just leave it at that…I have to be careful what I say on this line. I am very sure that the NSA are on our line and on any line going from Canada into the United States, for a certainty, so we need to be careful what we say…”
martialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freemanmartialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freeman, martialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freeman, martialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freeman, martialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freeman, martialalaw, police, police state, tyranny, 9-11, 9'll, profiling, dictatorship, judicial corruption, Minneapolis, NWA, Northwest Airlines, judge David S. doty, monia, alison bodine, john graham, gary freeman